We cannot even imagine how much waste we collectively produce every day. By the way, many Junk Removal Atlanta based companies are available nowadays that offer their waste pickup services and ensure their proper disposal. However, still we honestly don't need any statistical data or surveys to see how complicated the overflow dumpster problem is. We all can see the overflowing bins with smelly garbage on the roadside, and the filth spread on the road around it every day while going out. These are not just unpleasant sights, but they also pose serious threats, such as:
Diseases Due to Insects and Pests – Overflowing dumpsters are the perfect breeding place for insects and pests. These pests enter our homes through windows, cracks, and pipes and contaminate food and water, which cause to spread of diseases such as fever, typhoid, food poisoning, salmonella, etc.
Air Pollution – Smelly garbage decomposes and contaminates the air with toxic particles such as nitrous oxide and methane that cause respiratory problems and affect overall human health.
Contamination of Surface Water – Our inferior waste handling methods significantly contribute to degrading water quality over time. Waste materials like batteries, residual paint, electrical equipment, etc., are also responsible for water pollution.
Serious Health Issues – Garbage leaves a terrible effect on human health. People who come in contact with garbage while working may suffer many skin, blood, wound, and intestinal infections. Moreover, hazardous waste, sharp objects, and needles can also result in the loss of life.
Effects on Cities – No one likes to come to a city with stinky piles of rotten garbage and dirt and where insects run rampant. It leaves a significant effect on the city's investment, travel, and employment opportunities.
How to Prevent Overflowing Garbage Bins?
Valet Trash pickup service - People throw garbage on or near the already filled public bins to get the garbage out of their homes; this is one of the big reasons to make the bins overflowing. To prevent this, building owners and property managers can introduce services like Valet Trash Pickup Atlanta in buildings. They provide clean and eco-friendly bins to each resident and instruct everyone to put the waste in a tied poly bags in the provided bins as per schedule. The valets come and pick up the trash from every resident's doorstep. They collect all the trash in a big closed container to avoid contamination and haul it away for proper disposal.
Trash Compactors – Adding a trash compactor at a big residential society and commercial complexes is a great choice. It reduces the size of the waste and keeps waste much neater and safer, resulting in improved levels of garbage management.
Composting – Making community compost pits for food scraps and yard trimming reduces your waste contribution and turns organic waste into valuable compost for soil and plants.
If you are interested to know more about best disposal ways, kindly get in touch with us.
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